What is AndroidIDE?
AndroidIDE is a platform for developing real and powerful Gradle-based Android applications using your Android devices.
Features of AndroidIDE:
- Gradle support.
- JDK 11 and JDK 17 available for use.
- Terminal with necessary packages.
- Custom environment variables (for Build & Terminal).
- SDK Manager (Available via terminal).
- API information for classes and their members (since, removed, deprecated).
- Language servers
- Java
- UI Designer
- Layout inflater
- Resolve resource references
- Auto-complete resource values when user edits attributes using the attribute editor
- Drag & Drop
- Visual attribute editor
- Android Widgets
- String Translator
- Git
Follow the steps to install AndroidIDE, setting up the terminal and the Android build tools installation. Before getting started, please make sure that your Android device meets the minimum requirements.
Minimum requirements:
- ARM based CPU arm64-v8a (a.k.a aarch64) or armeabi-v7a.
- At least 1.5GB of RAM available for use (not total RAM).
- At least 4GB of free space is recommended. Around 1.5GB for installation and rest for other dependencies that you might need to download depending on your project.
Shortcut one Command:
One command to setup the terminal and to install build tools.
cd && pkg upg && idesetup -c
Limitations of AndroidIDE:
- For working with projects in AndroidIDE, your project must use Android Gradle Plugin v7.2.0 or newer. Projects with older AGP must be migrated to newer versions.
- SDK Manager is already included in Android SDK and is accessible in AndroidIDE via its Terminal. But, you cannot use it to install some tools (like NDK) because those tools are not built for Android.
- No official NDK support because we haven't built the NDK for Android.